Fulvic acid is the main component of Shilajit, ranging anywhere from 5% to 80% depending on its type, source and the method of test. Shilajit also contains some amount of humic acid. These substances have great impact on well-being of plants, animals and humans. Let's take a closer look.
Humins, humic acid and fulvic acids are types of humic substances that make up humus, a component of soil formed by the decomposition of organic matters.
Humus is a dark, organic material that plays a crucial role in soil fertility and structure. Humus is rich in nutrients and serves as a reservoir of essential elements for plant growth including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and trace elements. It is typically dark brown to black in color, giving soil its characteristic dark hue.
Humins have the largest molecule size and weight, and are not water soluble at any pH level. As a result, they are resistant to decomposition and absorption by plants. It has the lowest oxygen content among the three types of humus.
Humic acid molecules are smaller than humins and are soluble in water in alkaline conditions, this is why soil microbes can break it down into bare elemental ions. This increases plant's ability to absorb nutrients that humic acids bind to. They also chelate toxic metals, preventing harmful material from entering the plant. Further, they stimulate microbial activity in soil and also act as a dilator, increasing the cell wall permeability of plants so that nutrients can be absorbed.
Fulvic acids are smallest molecules of three and are soluble in water at all pH levels. Fulvic acid particles are elemental ions. They are golden in color and are more biologically active than humic acids, due to an oxygen content that is nearly twice that of humic acids. Because of its smaller molecule size, fulvic acid can penetrate cells more easily than humic acid and allows nutrients to be absorbed more efficiently. Fulvic acids are the most effective carbon containing chelating compound known.
Humans primarily get fulvic acid from the consumption of plants and plant-based products. Fulvic acid is a natural component of soil, formed through the decomposition of organic matter by microbial activity. As plants grow, they absorb nutrients from the soil, including fulvic acid. Therefore, fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based foods contain trace amounts of fulvic acid.
Shilajit is a sticky, tar-like substance that is found in the rocks of the Himalayas, Altai, Caucasus, and other high-altitude mountain ranges. It is formed over centuries by the decomposition of plant and microbial matter. Fulvic acid is a key component in pure Shilajit.
The fulvic acid found in shilajit is a complex mixture of organic acids, and its composition can vary depending on the source of the Shilajit. It's important to note that the specific types and concentrations of fulvic acid in shilajit can vary based on factors such as the geological and environmental conditions where the shilajit is sourced. Himalayan Shilajit from high altitudes contains highest amount of fulvic acid and is believed to be of highest grade for this reason. Shilajit extracted form high altitudes has lesser chance of mixing with impurities as it seeps down the rocks.
Our ancestors consumed fulvic acid on daily basis through consumption of various organic produce. But when humans started farming, the soil was gradually depleted of diverse nutrients due to erosion, monoculture (cultivating a single crop over large areas), heavy use of chemical fertilizers and improper irrigation practices. Today, the nutrients in our food are not the same as they used to be several decades ago. Regular supplementation of fulvic acid may help our bodies with absorbing nutrients and oxygen better.
Fulvic acid tests are not established and there doesn't exist a standard for correctly measuring fulvic acid percentage due to its unknown molecular weight and the fact that it is impossible to separate fulvic acid molecules from other components present in Shilajit. Without separating fulvic acid molecules, it is not possible to measure accurate percentage amount. Furthermore, fulvic acid changes its structure depending on what elements it's exposed to.
If fulvic acid test is performed regardless, the result may vary from sample to sample as Shilajit is a natural substance and does not maintain same consistency and uniformity as a laboratory-derived product.
Some companies selling Shilajit advertise a specific percentage of fulvic acid in their product. This is often the highest number obtained out of series of tests on different samples. And more often than not, fulvic acid is added to Shilajit for obtaining a specific percentage value.
The Whole Reason™ Shilajit is not tested for fulvic acid content and we do not claim a specific fulvic acid percentage in our product that may misled our consumers about the potency of Shilajit.